Monday, August 25, 2008


Axillary hyperhidrosis is a medical terminology for armpit sweating. Although sweating in underarms is normal, excessive amount of the sweat is considered a disease. It is not high risk or deadly though, just that the patient may feel embarrassed and his/her social life may be affected. So what are different options to fight armpit sweating?

First off, if you are doing heavy exercises, it is important to know that profuse sweating is just normal. However, if you sweat in a relatively cold weather while sitting, that may be a sign of hyperhidrosis.

It can be hard to diagnose the cause of excessive sweating, as there are a lot of factors that matter. The stress level also contributes to sweating problems.

Soaked clothing can cause great embarrassment. Some people use various strategies to conceal sweat like wearing extra shirt inside. This may help, but unless the fabric is natural, it may increase the body temperature, which in turn will worsen the case.

Antiperspirant products are created specially to decrease the activity of sweat glands in perspiration-prone areas. However, not every kind of product suits everyone though.

Some antiperspirant products are combined with deodorants and those can be effective in certain cases. Many people also find that deodorant-only products are enough. You may test different kind of them and switch products if that doesn't make your sweat better.

Botox, iontophoresis (introducing low electric current to the body) and surgery are also other options, but they are more drastic. Botox and iontophoresis may not be permanent.

Finally, for mild cases of armpit sweating, you want to keep your body clean by taking a bath every day and change cloth after that. Consider trimming hairs in the underarm areas to help decrease the amount of sweat around the armpits at the same time. That may promote bacterias, which in turn cause foul smell (body odor).

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